Monday, September 20, 2010

Banyan Street

University Drive in Coral Gables has some of the most magnificent Banyan trees I've seen. At one point they form a cool shady tunnel over the road and as you walk or ride by on the path you are treated to a fantastic maze of trunks and roots with enough nooks and crannies to hide an army of pixies.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Inside the Sleeping Giant's Cranium

Full Sized Zoomable Panorama available at Gigapan

This sandstone promontory in southern Connecticut resembles a giant resting on its back. Back in the day they used to quarry stone out of the top of its skull. If you look closely you can see the geological neurons...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Beaver Creek Valley


About a mile up the river from the Ona Beach State Park lies this emerald jewel of a valley. The State of Oregon has completed purchasing three different tracts of land that comprise this entire section of the valley and will be opening the Beaver Creek State Natural Area sometime this year.

Oregon Live story
OR State Parks profile

Friday, April 16, 2010

Early Spring Blossoms

Early Spring Blossoms
Originally uploaded by sweet lil' bunny.
Though it's not as warm as one might hope, the purty flowers are all coming out to show us that Spring is not a figment of our collective desire to be rid of another long cold New England winter.

Monday, February 08, 2010

The Tubes of Internets

This photo just popped out of the past on some flickr sidebar to remind me that my workspace has a lot going for it these days. Fewer giant silver tubes is as good a reason as any to celebrate.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

snow beautiful

snow beautiful
Originally uploaded by sweet lil' bunny.
snow beautiful

snowy today

snowy today
Originally uploaded by sweet lil' bunny.
snowy today